psychiatrist 精神科医 (発音注意:シカイアトリスト)サイキアトリストではない。
(Mainichi Japan) June 19, 2011
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: It's okay for doctors to cry, too
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:医者の涙もけっこう /東京
It's now been about 100 days since the March 11 earthquake.
For those within the disaster-hit areas, and even for those without, these 100 days have likely been an unparalleled time of tears.
We can try to cheer up people gripped by sadness by encouraging them to stop crying, but lately psychiatric medicine has been moving to the view that "crying is not a bad thing."
By facing the truth squarely, accepting the emotions that appear and expressing them, people take their first steps toward recovery.
What about crying in a psychiatrist's consultation room?
For patients, of course, it is not unusual to cry while sharing emotional stories, but I'd like to talk about when the tears come from the psychiatrist.
I've been told that as we age, we start to cry more easily.
Well, it seems to be happening to me, and until recently I did all I could to avoid crying while seeing patients.
It was my feeling that a professional psychiatrist mustn't be caught up in patients' emotions.
However, that feeling is vanishing.
Now, when I hear patients talk about being with family members at their death, or about being abused as children, I find my own eyes tearing up as I try to comfort them.
It's not only sad stories that bring tears.
The other day, a patient told me that they were taking care of a pet that was found wandering in the disaster area.
I was deeply moved by this patient who, despite having an illness, had taken on the animal.
When a doctor cries in front of a patient, I'm sure the patient is both surprised and unsure of how to respond. 医者が涙を浮かべると、もちろん患者さんはビックリし、戸惑うはずだ。
Some people would put a halt to their story out of consideration for the doctor, but such a result is not good for treatment.
However, I have come to think that, as long as a doctor is not completely swallowed by emotion, he or she needn't completely refuse to cry.
After taking a brief moment to collect oneself, the doctor can then encourage the patient: "Please, continue." As long as a doctor can do that, I think tears can be forgiven.
After coming back from the disaster areas, some doctors have told me that they couldn't help but shed tears after encountering the overwhelming tragedy there.
They asked me whether I thought that was unfitting behaviour for medical professionals.
Had it been the me of 10 years ago, I may have answered that I thought it wasn't good for them to have cried.
But now, I would say that as long as it doesn't interfere with your work as a professional, there is no problem with showing either tears or laughter.
(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2011年6月14日 地方版